Key Party is a bar located in Vancouver on 2303 Main Street.
However, if you visit that address, either in-person or on Google Maps, you won’t see it.
You’ll see Nirvana, an Indian cuisine restaurant, and you’ll see The Rumpus Room, a nice eatery with breakfast, as well as cocktails.
In between those two storefronts, however, is an inconspicuous little accounting office, called Zottenberg & Sons Accounting.
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It’s a small office, with a clear door and full-glass window. There’s a single desk, a cabinet, a shelf, and some framed photos on the wall.
It’s also fake.
To the left of the desk, you’ll see a glossy-wooden door. And behind that door, lies the Key Party bar.
Hidden In Vancouver: Key Party
Key Party is a modest size bar. It has wine-red walls, some of which are partially covered by wine-red drapes. There’s also the large lighted ceiling.
The first thing you notice when you walk in, however, is the colourful mural behind the bar. The painting features a woman tending to a wounded tiger, while she looks at another woman a few feet away, all in the presence of a majestic white horse.

It looks like it could be a Botticelli. The decor, though, looks like it’s straight out of the 70s.
The lounge sits about 40 people, and it’s owned by Rachel Zottenberg (hence, Zottenberg & Sons Accounting) and David Duprey. You may not recognize the duo by name, but they’re also behind the Narrow Lounge, Emerald Supper Club, and the Rumpus Room next door.
If you’re planning on stopping by, though, it helps to know the origins of the name. Birthed around the 1970s, a “key party” is one where all the men drop their keys into a basket, and women decide who to spend their night with by randomly drawing a key. (These days, it’d likely be phones instead of keys.)
Maybe that’s why it’s hidden.
Key Party
Location: 2303 Main Street
Hours: 5:00 pm to 1:00 am (Sunday – Thursday), 5:00 pm to 2:00 am (Friday, Saturday)